Thursday, February 5, 2015

Flu and Cold Season - What to take, when to take it, and how to feel better fast! (Remedies from Nature's Sunshine)

A couple months into the new year, and tis the season for flu and cold season. As the season begins to pique in January and February I get a sense that friends and family get a feeling of frustration and helplessness as one viral infection seems to follow another. I have seen posts complaining about coughs and sniffles that later clear up only to be followed by a case of a full body flu which can leave some people sick for weeks, and in some cases a month or more.

The bottom line is that being sick not only feels horrible, but it also robs us of productivity and a positive outlook, leaving many people feeling drained and weak even after recovery.

The information I am about to give has worked for me 100% of the time, and has also been used on my husband, many friends, and immediate relatives as well. Of course getting health information off some blog on the internet often makes people a bit apprehensive, but perhaps with a bit of empowerment and some faith in natural medicine, you too may want to give this a try. In addition to the remedies themselves, I will be supplying dietary and rest information as well.

When we eat wheat, dairy, processed foods, and sugar we are indeed just eating sugar. Sugar causes inflammation by feeding microbes and bacterium such as candida and h-pylori, and an inflamed body  is a body that cannot heal. The simple fact is that wheat turns into glucose in our digestive tract, glucose is a sugar. Dairy products turn into maltose which is also a sugar, and sugary processed foods remain as sugar such as sucrose and fructose. These sugars when eaten as our main diet offer no nutritional value and simply lend themselves to inflammation - some chronic inflammatory diseases include cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and cancer.

Knowing this, it is a good idea to immediately stop eating wheat, dairy, and processed foods and sugars when you come down with a cold of flu. Stick to dark leafy greens (cooked or raw), healthy organic proteins, bone broths and home made soups, and keep yourself hydrated with water, raw coconut water, or herbal teas. Sugary drinks such as Gatorade, 7-up, and other traditional illness oriented/comfort drinks only further impair our body from healing itself.

The Remedies and Dosage:
So here is where the nitty gritty comes in in regard to what to take and how to take it. All of these items can be found at Nature's Sunshine by clicking the link to your far right.

Mineral Chi Tonic - 2 tbsp 3 to 4 times daily  in water or 1/2 and 1/2 juice and water while sick
Cat's Claw Combination - 3 to 4 capsules every 6 hours until symptoms lessen then 4 capsules 3x daily
Liquid Chlorophyll - 2 tbsp. 3 to 4 times a day in water while sick
Solstic Nutrition - 1 packet 4 times daily in water

And that's it! I have now had eight friends and family members within the last 3 weeks use this combination with very fast recovery times.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions, I am always happy to help!

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