Sunday, September 1, 2013

A House, a house! We bought a house!

In the excitement of moving and bringing the blog up to par, I failed to mention we finally bought a house! The home is adorable and is 103 years old (built in 1910). As with most older homes it has a few problems, but what it lacks in updated items, it makes up in charm.

I am looking forward to clearing out the yard and putting in my huge herbal garden and vegetable garden!!

Medical Herb - Yarrow

I am sure many people blog about herbs, but as a student of medical herbalism and a person who was fortunate enough to grow up with herbal medicine as a partner to western medicine, I occasionally like to share what I know.

Today I would like to talk about one of my absolute favorite herbs - Yarrow.

Yarrow's scientific name is Achillea Millefolium and is a member of the aster family, traditionally it is native to Europe and Asia. North America has a variety of the plant as well (also called Yarrow) Achillea Millefolium var. Ianulosa both varieties are completely interchangeable.

Yarrow is an absolute amazing herb and influences the circulatory system, the digestive system, and the nervous system.

Yarrow can be used in the following:
  • circulatory issues ( used as a hemostatic or normalizer of the blood and circulation)
  • hemorrhoids
  • wounds
  • bruises (associated with cuts, or bruises that have become hard)
  • fevers (acute fever, rapid pulse, sudden onset with chills)
  • digestive issues
  • provoke menses
  • menstrual cramping
  • uterine fibroids
  • headache and nosebleeds
The above items are a sample of uses, there are many more ( feel free to send me a message with questions).

The whole plant is used fresh, though the most preferred portion are the tops. The flower tops are harvested within the first couple days of blooming and dried for use in teas and tinctures (suspended in alcohol). I also enjoy using the fresh herb and grinding it into a poultice for bruises, also it works wonders as a wound cream.

As with anyone putting up info of this nature, this is not used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical issue, nor am I a Doctor.